Chocolate Delight

Happy Valentine's Day foodies!!

I know this is the day for lovers and almost everyone is out with their bae but those sitting in the blankets and watching Netflix don't be jealous or feel alone, food is and will always be your bae. So, today I have another amazing chocolaty recipe for you guys which you can enjoy while sitting in your blankets.

Chocolate Delight

1.5 cup  cocoa powder
1.5 cup Amul cream
3/4 cup powdered sugar
4Tbsp butter
Pinch of salt
Bourbon Biscuits

1. Take a bowl, add Amul cream to it and mix it well.

2. On the low flame in a large bottom pan, add butter, when the butter melts properly add cocoa powder to it and a pinch of salt, mix everything well and you'll get a thick and grainy mixture.

3. Once the butter and cocoa powder are mixed well, slowly start adding the liquid by mixing it simultaneously.

4. Mix well until you get a smooth chocolaty mixture.

5. Off the flame and shift the mixture in a bowl.

6. Now take bourbon biscuits and grind them well and keep it aside.

7. Take any glass jar and add two Tbsp of grinded biscuit too it and level it well in the jar, then add one layer of chocolate mixture and again level it well, repeat the same until the jar is filled to the top. Now garnish it with colored vermicelli and refrigerate it for good 2 to 3 hours max and tada, you can enjoy your chocolaty delight.

P.s: I tried to add a slight twist to the chocolate frosting which I mentioned in the previous blog post. Hope you guys like it.    


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